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Top 9 Benefits of Using Chatbots in Your Business

It’s 2020 and the global pandemic has shaken and stirred businesses across the globe. With travelling restrictions in place across the world, we experienced firsthand the benefits of having a digital first strategy in almost every sphere of life. Social media and messaging apps rule the market and according to experts, around 89% of enterprises have already or are in the process of digital first strategy in their business.

Chatbots are primarily aimed at providing efficient customer service. Well, in these competitive times it definitely makes sense to provide most user friendly and enhanced customer service.

Chatbots Enhance Customer Experience

Every customer would like to have a 24/7 service and chatbots enable that for customers. Rather than waiting on an actual person to help, resolve, or book an order, customers rely on chatbots. Here we would like to talk about top 9 ways chatbots can help you in your business.

#1. Great Customer Service

Studies show that over 83% of customers need some sort of customer support during online shopping. Customers’ work and leisure activities vary, and so as a business you need to be ready 24/7 for your customers. The customers will need clarity on what product is best for their needs or the budget as well. On the other hand, user experience is not always the same for every user. And, there might be times when there are navigation issues, lack or product information, payment issues, delivery questions, registration issues, and so on.

In scenarios like these chatbots work as a real sales support personnel manning the counter in a physical store. Chatbots can be programmed to ask leading questions that make them sound like real humans. Chatbots can provide voice or text support and they can also show product pages, help pages, and direct users to the right resources or pages when needed.

#2. Stay in The Trend

Social media and messaging applications have been distributed across the globe and both young and old alike are hooked on to their SM platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to name a few. Customers prefer to communicate with brands via chats because it is a feasible option for them. As a result, the businesses are able to keep up with the modern trend and on top of the things when meeting consumer demands.

why business use chatbots

Over 65% of users prefer to use their standard social media applications for all their communication. As a result, businesses when they integrate their chatbots in popular platforms are able to keep up with the trending customer user behavior.

#3. Broad Scale of Handling

Humans are efficient and effective when communicating with/handling one human at a time. However, that is not the case with chatbots. Chatbots can have conversation with literally a thousand people at one time. Regardless of the time or day someone contacts your business page; the bots will answer each and every one of them immediately. This feature also helps businesses to scale their offerings and services.

For example, a retailer having increased demand for a product or service doesn’t need to take all the requests from the phone or over the counter. A chatbot will be efficient to take the orders and provide strong customer care.

#4. Flexibility in Business

Chatbots provide great flexibility in business and can be used in almost any industry. It is quite easy to switch to chatbots when compared to other products and services that need a lot of research, development, and testing. All that you need to do is to train the chatbot with the right language and structure and it is all set to go. On the other hand, if there is a lot of interaction between two zones such as service and sales, you can also have custom built presets to enable it with carrying out the interaction with users.

#5. Reduce the Cost

Businesses invest a lot in providing customer service. Billions of customer service requests are made across multiple industries. According to a study, it costs a whopping $1.3 trillion for businesses to sustain in this demanding customer service environment. However, AI chatbots help to significantly reduce this cost for businesses. When done right, businesses can save up to 30%/year when providing service to clients. This turns out to be a huge saving over a period of time. Repetitive customer support requests and support is handled by the chatbots and this leaves representatives to handle more complex queries. When chatbots are first contact for any query, it helps to filter out the requests. The regular and repetitive are handled here, and the more complex requests can be filtered out to the experts. This in turn saves time and in turn reduces the overall cost in this area.

#6. Understand Customers Better

Customers and business interaction on what they expect from you is close to none. Even if there are phone calls or emails, it is challenging to put all of that into one container and get a clear picture about their expectations. However, chatbots are designed to help your business with actionable and detailed insight about what exactly does your customer expect from you and what are the different pain points. This in turn will help you target your offering to directly target the customers based on what exactly they need and may need in the future. In the long run this helps businesses to be effective and efficient in what they offer.

#7. Reduced Human Errors

Even with repetitive tasks, there are increased chances of humans to make errors in the business environment. Errors in customer service create a huge dent in a company’s reputation and a business cannot afford to have it in the current scenario. Sharing product information, collecting customer information, or communication slip can very easily happen with manual intervention. You can get error free services and also avoid any complications when serving customer needs. Chatbots ensure that there is accuracy in every minute details and this gives you a competitive edge over others when serving your clients.

#8. Scale Your Offerings

Businesses are often baffled when it comes to scaling offerings. One of the main concerns is having the right support to keep up with the growing consumer demands when the services increase. Well, why not automate the customer service with appropriate chatbots that will meticulously and accurately handle the consumer demands. This will help you use the cognitive skills and manual intervention of humans in areas where it is actually due. Businesses can easily scale offerings when chatbots man the operations of support.

#9. Ease On boarding

Chatbots help maintain a very clear and easy to understand conversational flow and structure of conversations and processes. In businesses, on boarding is constant with growth and so there are several training and formalities that take up a lot of time. However, chatbots provide ease of training by providing the data in just a few easy clicks. Rather than investing a lot of time in training the new employees, the chatbots provide access and facilitates easy learning to help businesses with easy on boarding.

Codetru: Your Chatbot Experts

We enable digital transformation for a wide range of industries. Working on state of the art technologies, Codetru paves way for a digital first strategy and implements customized solutions. Chatbots are a common requirement in businesses today and we help you realize the true value and implement effective solutions as well. You can also find us in’s Florida Listings. We look forward to helping you with your digital transformation journey.

FAQs on the Benefits of Using Chatbots in Your Business

1. How do chatbots improve customer service?

Chatbots provide 24/7 customer support, instantly handling queries and resolving issues, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing wait times.

2. Why are chatbots cost-effective for businesses?

Chatbots can manage repetitive customer service tasks, reducing the need for human intervention and saving businesses up to 30% annually on customer support costs.

3. What role do chatbots play in understanding customer needs?

Chatbots collect detailed insights from customer interactions, helping businesses understand customer expectations and pain points, allowing for better-targeted offerings.

4. How do chatbots help in reducing human errors?

Chatbots provide accurate and consistent responses, eliminating the risk of errors in customer service, thereby protecting the company’s reputation and ensuring high-quality service.

5. Can chatbots help in scaling business operations?

Yes, chatbots efficiently handle increased customer demands, allowing businesses to scale their offerings without compromising on customer support quality.

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