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php in web development

Advantages Of Using PHP In Web Development

8 Reasons to Use PHP in Your Web Development

0.5 second is all that your users need to either keep browsing or click on X and close your website. Statistics show that over $2.6 billion business was lost due to slow loading and underperforming websites. We all know the importance of a digital presence today and a critical role that a website plays to accomplish this. With digital transformation thrusting business towards incorporating new solutions, you’d agree that it makes practical sense to keep the first base of your digital presence aesthetically appealing, informative, and user friendly.

If PHP came up in your discussion for web development, then this blog is designed for you. PHP has been in the market for several years and over 83% of websites developed around the globe are based on this scripting language. Industry leaders such as Tumbler, Spotify, Yahoo, and Wikipedia are based on it. The quick turnaround time and simplicity of this language makes PHP a favorite choice among developers. We have created a list of the below 8 reasons why php will be a good idea for your next project.

1. Simplicity

Known for its flexibility and versatility, php offers a great amount of simplicity to the developers. The scripting language makes it easy for developers to develop and maintain CMS programs. Some of the major players like Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress are based on php. It is compatible with leading platforms such as Mac, Windows, and Linux. The interface of this scripting language is also a perfect match for mySQL and it can execute very well with leading server systems as well. With this great amount of simplicity and flexibility offered the developers can easily integrate solutions on servers and CMS.

2. Open Source

PHP is open source and so there are no restrictions or license fees for website development companies to worry about when using this scripting language. The scripting language is distributed under the general license for the public and so anyone can use it free of cost. There is a huge community of contributors spread across the global who actively share valuable insights and support. The active community is constantly working towards making php even better and keeping it compatible and customizable with the latest technological development. Timely updates and new versions provide features that help php developers in providing timely resolutions to clients.

3. Scalable

In our times, it is crucial for industries to have scalable solutions. Businesses with the flexibility and capability to scale help them retain and attract new clients. PHP is a very well documented program and this helps developers to easily understand the program and any references needed in development. Throughout the development process, the documentation helps developers to scale the online solutions for clients. Whenever there is a need to implement, modify, or work on web development, the businesses are able to achieve it quickly and this also helps when planning to scale up the solutions.

4. Performance

As discussed earlier, businesses are losing millions of dollars just because their website failed to load in time or perform well. Attention span and patience of users is limited, and so the loading time of a website plays a crucial role in the success. Good performance of a website ensures that the users are retained for much longer on the site. PHP helps to create websites with efficient data processing, and as a result the turnaround time is quicker. It also helps to easily customize and adapt with the content management systems and new features. You can also easily embed the php code with HTML. Developers can use these features to create websites that perform well even when there are several customizations added during the later stages.

5. Functionality

Oftentimes, businesses stand in a queue with thousands of other players in the market. In such a situation, how do you stand out? Custom Web Solutions is sought after by businesses to create something that is unique. For custom web solutions, PHP should be their first choice because PHP is an encrypted language and it is very easy to use and is functional. The scripting language can be easily programmed with XML, WML, and JavaScript. In the long run, the PHP helps to create efficient solutions by cutting out on the total development time and resources.

6. Frameworks

There is a wide range of frameworks provided in the PHP scripting language. You can create a dynamic and flexible website with these frameworks. When developing complex website applications on a tight deadline, the developers enjoy the benefits of php framework. There is a long list of framework diversity offered by php in the market and are built with great modern characteristics. The developer community spread across the globe helps to diversify the frameworks and its uses further.

7. Resourceful

Developers have a long list of tools at their disposal and this helps PHP to be a resourceful option for them. The tools are used when a custom feature needs to be added into a website. The documentation tools, editors, dependence management in PHP adds to the aid of coders. PHP has been in the market for several years and as it developed into what it is today, there have been many new upgrades and versions on the internet. Coders can tap into the resource and implement the best solution as and when needed.

8. Hosting and Maintenance

PHP is considered to be one of the most extensively used and supported platforms. Hosting providers easily accept PHP and provide the best hosting solutions. So there is no additional cost to host the language apart from the nominal hosting charges. On the other hand, the maintenance is also on the easier side. The code has decipherable syntax and so it becomes easy for the coders to change over time as and when there is a need to do so. So whenever there is a need to add new features for better customer engagement, the coders can implement the best solutions without wasting a lot of time.


PHP scripting language has seen a lot of changes over the years. It was not meant to be what it is now…but the community kept growing and things got better with time. Today, the leading businesses are using php for their web development projects and are reaping the benefits of an active community across the globe. Businesses need to stay relevant with the increasing and changing market dynamics. If you are a business and want to stay relevant with your current and potential customers then it is crucial that you implement a solution that they are looking for.

Codetru has a dynamic php development team to help you in your project. We have worked and are working on some of the most exciting web development and customization projects. Our team has the experience working on PHP and understands your needs before we implement a solution.

FAQs about the Advantages of Using PHP in Web Development

1. Why is PHP a popular choice for web development?

PHP is a popular choice for web development because it offers flexibility and versatility. Its easy-to-understand syntax allows developers to quickly create and maintain websites, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced programmers. PHP as well as major platforms like Mac, Windows, and Linux are compatible, increasing its flexibility.

2. What are the benefits of PHP being open source?

One of the most important advantages of open source PHP is that there are no licensing fees, which reduces development costs. A large global team that helps to constantly improve PHP, ensuring that it is in line with the latest technologies. This dynamic community provides valuable insight and support, making PHP more reliable for developers.

3. How does PHP optimize website performance?

PHP improves website performance by enabling data efficiency and faster turnaround times. Web pages built with PHP load faster and handle more traffic, which is important to retain users. Additionally, PHP allows for easy customization and integration with different content management systems, ensuring that your website remains functional and user-friendly.

4. What makes PHP scalable for web development projects?

PHP is highly scalable for web development projects due to its well-written code and detailed programming. This scalability allows businesses to expand their online presence with minimal growth. PHP’s flexibility makes it easy to modify and implement changes, support business growth, and adapt to market needs.

5. How does PHP support custom web solutions?

PHP supports custom web solutions because it is an encrypted and efficient scripting language. Compatible with XML, WML, and JavaScript, allowing developers to create unique and secure websites. PHP’s ability to reduce development time and resources makes it an excellent choice for businesses seeking bespoke web development.

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