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advantages of vuejs

Advantages Of Using A Framework Such As Vuejs

It’s cliché…every business wants to, promises to, and expects to build/receive nimble and modern applications. However, it is not just about what you want but how exactly do you get there?

Well, in this article we will expound on 7 reasons to choose Vue.js. Experience teaches a lot of things and we have learned through our experience of using Vue.js in a varied range of projects. Check out our 7 favorite reasons why we think Vue.js is just the right framework built by the community and for the community.

Vue.js — No Big Shot Names Associated!

Unlike many other frameworks, Vue.js is not associated with any big-shot names. This progressive JavaScript framework is built, supported, and used by the community. React was built and is currently being supported by Facebook. Similarly, Angular has the backing of Google.

Vue.js is incremental, and there is no need for you to put everything in at just the beginning of a project. Several monolithic frameworks are designed otherwise. Whether you are building a sophisticated single page application or simple UI, pages, and other visual elements, this framework provides you with the right tools. Give our reasons a read –

#1. Simply Yours to Work With

Creating sophisticated applications doesn’t, mean that you need to use sophisticated tools isn’t it. Well, that’s true with Vue.js as well. It has a simple approach for you to work with. You can easily add Vue to an existing web project that you are working with.

You can easily start to code on the framework without having deep knowledge about some of the sophisticated build systems out there. If you have a little knowledge and experience of JavaScript and HTML, you can easily with Vue framework. In a fast paced design team where you have to quickly pick up something, it is extremely crucial that you have a simple framework to work with.

#2.Great Scalability and Flexibility

Vue.js is also loved for its qualities of being scalable and flexible in modern application development. When using different technology and scaling up, Vue provides you with appropriate scalability.

So whether you want it to be just a library in your development process or you want it to be a full featured framework, it offers you with the flexibility to choose what best suits your project.

#3. Lot’s a Built-in Solutions

There’s a lot that goes behind “modern application.” It is not just the simplicity, but there is also a lot of work if you need to write boilerplate code. It results in businesses wasting a lot of time and resources. However, with Vue.js developers can use several beautiful built-in effort-saving conventions that are designed for a wide range of uses.

For example, when developers are working on composing components, animations, and state management, they can use some of the built-in solutions. In simple words, why let your development team suffers on creating or inventing something that is already available at your disposal.

#4. Friends With Your Developers

UX is complex, and we can’t delve deep about it here. As long as the user enjoys his/her experience with a product it remains to be the most used or favorite. It is only possible when a product is designed by keeping specific user needs and demands in mind.

The same goes true with Vue.js. It is designed by keeping developers and their specific needs in mind. You can use your choice of tools within the framework when working on a new project. There is also the graphical interface that helps you create appropriate solutions without going through the pain of writing thousands of lines of codes.

Well, the best thing is that as developers there are not a lot of tools within the framework that you need to master. All that you need is basic understanding and the rest is taken care of by the detailed documentation. You can easily learn and master Vue in a very short time.

#5. A Better Future in Mind? Vue is built for Just That

Software development comes with a lot of maintenance and oftentimes a crucial aspect that is forgotten by several companies. However, that’s not the case with Vue.js. Once an app is developed, you will still have to continue with fixing bugs, add in new features, and continue with the improvement processes.

From a business point of view, you do not need to worry about changes in the future. Rather than intensive work required in this area, businesses can be relaxed as the framework is built for not just building the applications, but also with a continuous improvement process.

#6. A Newer and Better Framework

Apart from being modern and simplistic, vue has also learned from other’s mistakes. It’s no clunkier but developers can create nimble and modern solutions. Learning from the mistakes of others has given Vue an edge over others in the market.

Some of the solutions designed are after carefully looking at what was being missed and not satisfying client needs in past frameworks. This makes it a favored choice among many developers and customers alike.

#7. A Wide Range of Support

The community is very active when it comes to creating new solutions, providing support for existing solutions, and other such exciting benefits come with being a part of this ever increasing and active community. Rather than struggling to find a solution, developers can easily reach out to the widespread community and ask for a specific solution.

The friendly community reaches out and helps and when there is a support need. Developers have an edge when working with projects where they are on a bootstrap budget and also shorter time constraints.

Why Should You Choose Vue.js?

Well, maybe you are not a technically inclined person who will be working with the framework directly. As a decision maker, the above reasons are solid reasons to choose this as a framework. Developers working on Vue can create some awesome solutions. What if you do not have a team of mobile application developers?

At Codetru, we’ve got you covered. We have a team of expert Vue.js developers working on some top-notch projects for a wide range of industries. Our team will be happy to explain to you how, why, and what aspects of Vue.js could be beneficial for your organization. Our teams work out of offices in the US and Hyderabad, India.

If you have any concerns or requirements about Vue.js, please feel free to reach out to us.

FAQs on Advantages of Using Vue.js

1. What makes Vue.js a popular choice for web development?

Vue.js stands out for its simplicity and flexibility, making it easy for developers to integrate into existing projects without extensive setup. It’s ideal for both simple UI enhancements and complex single-page applications.

2. How does Vue.js ensure scalability and flexibility in development?

Vue.js offers great scalability by allowing developers to choose between using it as a library or a full-fledged framework, depending on project requirements. This flexibility enables seamless integration with various technologies and supports gradual adoption.

3. What are the built-in solutions provided by Vue.js?

Vue.js provides built-in solutions that save developers time by offering conventions for common tasks like component composition, animations, and state management. This reduces the need for writing repetitive boilerplate code and accelerates development.

4. How developer-friendly is Vue.js compared to other frameworks?

Vue.js is designed with developers in mind, offering an intuitive graphical interface and comprehensive documentation. Developers can quickly learn Vue.js and leverage its tools without a steep learning curve, enhancing productivity and project efficiency.

5. How does Vue.js support future-proofing of applications?

Vue.js emphasizes continuous improvement and maintenance, ensuring applications remain adaptable to future changes. This approach helps businesses avoid significant redevelopment efforts and stay competitive in evolving markets.

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