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Node js framework

Best Node Js Framework For Web Application

More than half of web developers these days are using Node.js for backend development. Although Node.js in itself is quite a popular JavaScript runtime environment that is well-known for building quick, easy, economic web applications, the developers are often using a Node.js framework to augment the speed and ease. You might have hardly missed out on Express.js if you are a Node.js developer. But there are other equally popular Node.js frameworks like Koa.js, Sails.js, Meteor.js, and more with each having specific features that make them stand out. Then, how to choose the right Node.js framework that is best suited for your project?

Identifying the right framework purely depends on the use case, kind of support it offers, available documentation, and project background, which we will discuss in detail, in this blog.

Exploring Different Use Cases

The context is everything. If you are not clear on the requirement and identify the wrong framework then you will find yourself swimming upstream. We have discussed here a few examples that can help you pick the proper framework for the project.

use cases

Is it a Full-stack application?

Node.js is especially common for backend application development that allows you to run JavaScript on the server-side. It essentially enables full-stack app development with JavaScript also used for front-end development. It is a non-language, non-framework platform with a distinct Node.js architecture which we have explained clearly along with its applications in our previous Node.js blog.

Now back to your project, if you are building a real-time full-stack application, then Derby.js is the ideal choice for you. Derby.js is an MVC framework that is also popular with SEO-friendly applications.

Building an API?

building api

If you are looking to build an API (Application Programming Interface) that sends the JSON responses, is it REST API (Representational state transfer) or GraphQL API?Node.js is especially known for building web applications using the REST API. There are ample Node.js frameworks that bring REST API built experience to the table.

  • Sails.js:
    • Ideal for auto-generating REST APIs.
    • Suitable for building chat applications and enterprise-level applications.
    • Developers tend to avoid it for small apps.
  • Total.js:
    • Specializes in REST services.
    • Used for IoT, eCommerce, real-time, and cloud-based applications.
    • Recommended for cost-effective projects with tight deadlines.
  • Hapi.js:
    • Focuses on developing secure REST APIs and proxies.
    • Suitable for real-time social media and desktop applications.
    • Offers high security features and supports databases like MongoDB and MySQL.
  • Feather.js:
    • Node.js microservices framework.
    • Enables quick development of automatic RESTful APIs.
    • Known for building production-ready, real-time applications efficiently.
  • Loopback.js:
    • Provides a streamlined experience for creating REST APIs.
    • Minimal development time required.
    • Known for its beginner-friendly documentation and ease of use.

Looking for Server-side Development Support?

server-side development

If you are using React or Vue for the front-end and looking for a Node.js framework that integrates with their components, then Express.js can be your choice. It allows for rapid server-side application development with a plethora of programming packages and functions that expedites the process. It can be used for enterprise-scale browser-based applications that need strong routing, templating and security features.

Serverless Application Development?

serverless application

Hope to go serverless by deploying your application on the cloud? Your concern should be about the cold start time. What exactly is the cold start time? For serverless applications, a cloud service provider like AWS or Microsoft Azure will have a container active for a serverless function and keep it alive, waiting for its execution. After some time of inactivity, the cloud provider lets the container go inactive.

The cold start is when the cloud provider has to provide the container for a function after a certain time of inactivity. The delay from the cloud service provider essentially delays the application execution time.

So, in such projects where the cold start time has to be compensated, you have to pick a framework that does not need a substantial initialization time to handle a request. Total.js could be your right choice which is known to support cloud-based applications quickly and efficiently.

For TypeScript Applications?


There are some Node.js frameworks specifically designed to support TypeScript applications, especially when it comes to Angular Node.js combination.

  • Feather.js is such framework that supports both JavaScript and TypeScript-based applications.Nest.js is another Node.js framework that helps in building enterprise-grade applications by extending its support for apps built using TypeScript. It offers high compatibility with Angular as both are written in TypeScript.

Building Real-time Applications?

real-time applications

While developing real-time applications like chat applications you might want to look for frameworks that offer built-in support for WebSockets.

Sails.js could be your choice which is synonymous with building customized chat applications, which leverages for WebSockets.

Basis Framework Styles

Once you have shortlisted a few frameworks based on the use cases, the next step is to go with the personal preferences. The developers can further zero down on the frameworks based on the support the frameworks offer in terms of validation, logging, authentication, dependency injections, and database extractions.

Documentation is Another Criterion

Before choosing the right framework you should also verify if it offers documentation support. You are more likely to put up a strong fight building the application with a framework without documentation.

You will need to tick the following checklist before singling out the right Node.js framework:

  • Does it provide easy navigation and a clear explanation?Can you write your own code for customization?

Community Support

Even if there is enough documentation support to successfully build the application, or your favorite framework is highly popular, yet, you will need strong community support. In case you are really stuck with an unreasonable bug or if your app does not perform as hoped, community support is imperative.


While the use cases are the crucial factors to determine the right Node.js framework for your application, considering the other criteria is also essential while picking the precise framework. Still confused about which Node.js framework to choose while building a web application, contact Codetru technical team for a clear picture.

FAQs about the Best Node.js Frameworks for Web Application development

1. What is the best Node.js framework for full-stack development?

For full-stack development, Derby.js stands out as the ideal choice. It’s an MVC framework known for its real-time capabilities and SEO-friendly features, making it perfect for building comprehensive full-stack applications.

2. Which Node.js framework is best for building REST APIs?

Several Node.js frameworks excel at building REST APIs. Express.js is the most popular for its simplicity and flexibility. Sails.js, Total.js, and Hapi.js are also excellent choices, each offering unique features for RESTful API development.

3. What Node.js framework should I use for real-time applications?

Sails.js is highly recommended for real-time applications, particularly chat applications, due to its robust WebSocket support. Feather.js is another great option, known for its efficiency in building real-time, production-ready applications.

4. Which Node.js framework integrates well with TypeScript?

Nest.js and Feather.js are top Node.js frameworks that support TypeScript. Nest.js is especially popular for enterprise-grade applications and offers seamless integration with Angular, enhancing TypeScript application development.

5. What should I consider when choosing a Node.js framework for serverless applications?

When choosing a Node.js framework for serverless applications, consider the cold start time. Total.js is known for its efficiency in supporting cloud-based applications, making it a great choice for minimizing initialization delays and optimizing serverless performance.

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