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things to consider when developing android app

Things To Consider When Developing An Android App

One of the primary concerns of many companies is to have their own mobile apps. Android app development is common these days given the huge demand from across the globe. There are several easy ways out there to create a mobile app but creating a strategic application is a rather complex process and enterprises must plan smart.

If you are in the process of Android app development, here are the top things that you need to consider to succeed.

Know Your Market

One of the most common mistakes that companies make is to start with an emotional mindset. They think that an app is important and they go with the idea. However, what about the market? Do you know your market well? One of the first things to do is carry out a thorough research about the market. Find out what the current offerings in the market is and how your app can fill in the gap that exists. When you carry out extensive market research, it will help you understand your competitors, their strengths, their offerings, weaknesses, their customers, and so on.

When you understand the market and your competitors well, it will help you create a unique strategy in your android app development.

Identify Your Goals

What do you want to accomplish? What is the goal of your application? Are you looking to bring in an innovative solution or just delivering a better service than one of your competitors? Creating a good roadmap and a strategy around these things will help you stay ahead of the curve so to speak. Identify your application goals, and then move ahead with implementing it.

At times, the enterprises have realized certain unique features or services can be added in the app development during the development phase. If you feel that an extra feature, resources, time is helping you align your goals then implementing it will only result in added advantage.

Choose Between the App Development ( Native, Hybrid, or Web Apps)

When developing an app it is also crucial that you plan for the future. Make some standard technical decisions such as the use of native, hybrid or web apps. Your later development and maintenance of application largely depend upon the choice that you make today. Here are some of the points to remember about when choosing native, hybrid or web apps.

1. They vary in the programming language that they are built in. The difference is often based on cost, expertise, and timeframe to develop the app

2. Look at their access to APIs. This largely depends on what functionality you want to access in your android app development.

3. Analyzing your distribution methods of the app. This depends on how you plan on marketing your app and the approach that you will take.

When it comes to creating heavy-duty applications such as gaming, videos, or photos, the native applications do much better. On the other hand, web apps are preferred in development frameworks where you require easy updates without access to apps’ native abilities.

On the other hand, hybrid apps have an edge over the native approach. Most developers are using the hybrid approach looking at not just the present but also the future needs of the application.

Carefully Consider Security

The last thing you want is a security breach in your mobile application. These days it is amazing to see the amount of personal and sensitive information stored on mobile devices. Users save their favorite locations to bank details and passwords on their phones. Many attackers are looking for at least one vulnerability to exploit the program. As a result, developers need to be extremely careful about the aspect of data protection, particularly focusing on mobile app security. This is highly important from not just the user’s perspective but also the developers do well to take extreme precautions in this regard.

Make sure that you implement appropriate security tools in your system so that nothing is taken for a chance. Even one slightest miss in the security aspect may result in heavy fines, legal issues, and losing your credibility in the market.

Give a Thought To User Experience

User experience is one of the most important aspects of Android app development. Everything that you plan on providing the user should enhance their experience. Carry out research, identify what will be best liked by your users, and implement a solution that could be further enhanced based on user needs. Keep an option for feedback and progressive development. When you implement a great user experience and provide the users with something that solves their problems, it will move them to be hooked on to the system.

Create an intuitive design and when planning for the interface, make sure that all unnecessary elements are removed for the users. Reduced elements and only using necessary design will help users to focus on your content and flow.

If you are a startup, it may not be possible to carry out extensive user research due to the cost and time involved. Another great approach in this regard could be using a lean or agile development methodology. Rather than doing everything in one go, select an approach that will help you show progressive results.

Identify the Right Android App Development Team

Every team promises to deliver the best results, but we all know that this is far from being true. So how do you identify the right development team? Well, one of the best ways is to look at their past and present work. What apps have they made and how are these applications helping businesses today. Do they possess expertise in your domain? What are the ways in which they approach development? Do they carry out good user research?

The above questions will help you get a good start in identifying the appropriate development team. It is often good to partner with a reputed organization renowned for app development rather than recruiting a new team just to carry out this single operation.

Carefully Consider the Cost

Android app development can also become expensive if cost is not capped in during the initial stages. You need to make sure that you have a set budget of your own and create a unique strategy around capping the cost. Work with the teams to make sure that you have an exact idea on how much the development will cost. Keep a budget for marketing and future enhancements as well. A good plan will help you drive the best results in your app development environment.

Codetru: Experienced App Development Company

Codetru has extensive knowledge of mobile app development. We are a team of a highly versatile and experienced group of developers. Our team partners with enterprises looking for digital solutions in their transformation journey. Codetru works with several industries and domains to create stellar application solutions. We have a long list of successful national and international clients using our digital solutions. As an experienced company, we understand your unique needs in Android app development and fulfill these during our development phase.

If you are looking for android app development, get in touch with us.

FAQs on Android App Development

1. What are the key steps in developing an Android app?

Developing an Android app involves market research, goal identification, choosing between native, hybrid, or web apps, ensuring security, focusing on user experience, and selecting the right development team.

2. Why is market research important before developing an Android app?

Market research helps you understand your target audience, identify gaps in the market, analyze competitors, and create a unique strategy that meets market demands.

3. How do I choose between native, hybrid, and web apps for my Android application?

The choice depends on your app’s requirements, such as the need for high performance, access to device APIs, development cost, and future maintenance. Native apps offer better performance for heavy-duty applications, while hybrid apps provide a balance for future scalability.

4. What security measures should be considered during Android app development?

Implement strong data encryption, use secure communication protocols, regularly update security patches, and ensure secure coding practices to protect sensitive user information and prevent breaches.

5. How does user experience (UX) impact the success of an Android app?

A well-designed UX ensures intuitive navigation, meets user needs, provides a seamless experience, and encourages user retention. Continuous feedback and iterative improvements enhance the overall user satisfaction.

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