Problem Statement

​Our client, a leading pharmaceutical company, faced a significant challenge in effectively managing and optimizing their sales and marketing efforts. They struggled with manual and inefficient processes, disjointed data sources, and a lack of real-time insights into customer behavior. To enhance their competitive edge and streamline operations, they turned to CODETRU for expertise in custom application development.



CODETRU collaborated closely with the pharmaceutical company to implement a DevOps and automation strategy tailored to their needs. Key solutions included:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System

a. ​Designed and implemented a custom CRM system to centralize customer data, interactions, and communication history.
b. ​​Integrated the CRM with marketing automation tools for targeted marketing campaigns.

​​Sales Enablement Tools

​a. ​Developed mobile applications for the sales team, providing access to product information, sales collateral, and real-time inventory data.
b. ​Implemented order management capabilities to streamline the sales process.

​​Marketing Analytics Dashboard

a. ​Created a marketing analytics dashboard that aggregated data from multiple sources, enabling marketing teams to track campaign performance and customer engagement.​
b. ​​Utilized machine learning to provide insights on customer preferences and behavior.

​​Regulatory Compliance Features

a. ​Ensured compliance with pharmaceutical marketing regulations by implementing features like automated approval workflows and audit trails.


Challenges Involved

Ensuring data privacy and compliance with healthcare regulations, including HIPAA, while handling sensitive patient data.

Integrating the new applications with existing IT systems, including ERP and data warehouses.

Training sales and marketing teams to effectively use the new tools and processes.



The implementation of CODETRU's custom application development solutions delivered significant benefits to our pharmaceutical client:

​​Enhanced Sales Productivity

Increased sales team productivity by 27% through mobile applications, real-time data access, and streamlined order management.

​Improved Marketing Effectiveness

Boosted marketing campaign ROI by 13% through data-driven insights and targeted marketing efforts.

​​​Regulatory Compliance

Ensured consistent compliance with pharmaceutical marketing regulations, reducing the risk of non-compliance fines.

​​Enhanced Customer Engagement

Improved customer engagement and satisfaction through personalized marketing and better customer relationship management.



CODETRU's custom application development solutions had a transformative impact on our client's pharmaceutical sales and marketing operations:

​Increased Revenue

Enhanced sales productivity and marketing effectiveness resulted in a 11% increase in revenue within the first year.

Competitive Advantage

Gained a competitive edge by delivering superior customer experiences and targeted marketing campaigns.

Regulatory Excellence

Demonstrated industry leadership by consistently meeting regulatory requirements.


Technology Stack

Our solution leveraged a robust technology stack, including:

CRM: Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics

Mobile Development: iOS (Swift), Android (Kotlin)

Analytics Tools: Tableau, Power BI, Google Analytics

Compliance and Security: Secure APIs, Role-based access control

​In conclusion, CODETRU's custom application development approach revolutionized our client's pharmaceutical sales and marketing operations, enhancing productivity, revenue, and compliance. This case study highlights the significant impact of tailored software solutions in the pharmaceutical industry.